The Red Carpet

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Exactly three years ago today, I finished my first Ironman branded race, and got to run down the famous red carpet.  Completing Ironman 70.3 Raleigh, meant I had achieved something that I would have thought possible, just a few years earlier.

Running down that red carpet is an amazing feeling, because it is the culmination of so much work.  It doesn’t just represent finishing a long race; it is the end of a long journey.  You smile because you realize all the work you did, was actually worth it.  All those times that you got out of bed early to train; all of those times that you went out the door to train, when you really didn’t want to and all the tiny sacrifices you made along the way.  They are all worth it.

I find I also get quite emotional on that carpet.  You are so thankful for the support of your family and friends.  You are excited to see them and can’t believe how excited and happy they are for you.  You get to realize how lucky you are to be healthy enough to complete such an event.  Then, you see others finishing their race and get incredibly inspired and then even more emotional.  So many people completing their own journey.

Finally, the best part happens … you realize that you can’t wait to do it all over again!