Race Preparations Are All Going To Plan So Far

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Race preparations for Saturday stayed on track today. The key focus was getting my bike ready.  This is how my day went.

  • Got up a little later this morning, so as to maximize rest after yesterday’s travel day
  • After coffee and breakfast, I rebuilt my bike.  Everything went back together pretty smoothly.
  • Trip to grocery store to stock up on food, including ingredients for my traditional pre-race dinner and race morning breakfast.
  • Checked-in for the race at the Junior Seau Conference Center.  Saw Ben Kanute checking in, and also got to say ‘hi’ to Ali Brownlee as he ran past us along the Strand.
  • After lunch, went out for an hour ride on the bike to check everything was working OK.  The only issue was a very slight brake rub, which was easily fixed.
  • Late afternoon, I ran down to the pier to listen to an athlete briefing, and then did another 15 minute run back to the condo.
  • This evening we visited the Oceanside Street Market.  It was great. Lots of food choices, including a slice of red velvet cake, that we enjoyed on our balcony as the sun went down.

All in all it was a great day.  More race preparations tomorrow. Less than 48 hours to go now.