No Swim Today

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I am busy this evening, so I got up early to get my swim workout in, before going to work… except I didn’t.

I swim at pools associated with LA Fitness gyms, so I am fortunate to have a couple of convenient locations to choose from.  One pool is about 20 minutes from my home and the other, is 5 minutes away from where I work.  The pool closer to home is usually nicer, in terms of water quality.

I left home nice and early this morning and arrived at the pool closest to home, a few minutes after it opened.  I was too late … the pool was already full with swimmers and there were two other people lined up on deck, waiting for a spot to open up. With the pool having just opened, it was unlikely that a spot would open up for at least 30 minutes, so I decided to try option number two – the pool by work.

Lately, that pool has been experiencing poor water quality.  It was getting so cloudy, that I could barely see the bottom of the pool while swimming.  It is only four feet deep!  Well today was the day that they decided to do something about that water quality.  I arrived at the gym to see a sign at the reception desk saying … “Sorry – Pool Closed For Repairs Until March 3rd”.

What is a triathlete supposed to do when this happens?  Simple … just let it go and skip the workout.  Missing one workout is not going to do any harm.  Oftentimes, I find that a bonus ‘day off’, really refreshes both my desire to train and my ability to train.  Now, I am perfectly set up for that two and half hour bike session, that I have scheduled for tomorrow.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.