My Favorite Recovery Drink

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After a workout, it is important to focus on recovery.  It is during recovery,  that muscular adaptation occurs and there is a lot of science to support the need to begin recovery, immediately after working out.

After most training sessions, I try to have my favorite recovery drink within 20 minutes of finishing.  My favorite drink is a product made by Cocoa Elite.  There are a couple of reasons that I really like it.

The first reason is that it gives me both the protein and the carbohydrates, that the science says are needed.  These macronutrients help your body quickly start to repair and rebuild the muscles and other tissue, broken down by your workout.  In one serving, I get 12g of protein and 30g of carbohydrates.

The second reason why I like it, is the taste; it tastes just like chocolate milk.  The bonus however, is that you only need to add water to make it taste that way.  This means it is really easy to bring along for workouts.  If it’s hot outside, I don’t have to worry about anything “going off” in my car, while I’m working out.  I just have dry powder and a bottle of water to worry about.  Before discovering this product, I used to drink actual chocolate milk.  This meant also having to bring along a cooler and ice.  No such hassle with the Cocoa Elite.

One final note … it sits really well on my stomach.  It doesn’t seem to upset me at all.  It genuinely feels like a treat and a reward after my workout.