How To Assess The Quality Of My Sleep

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In my blog post yesterday, I vowed to improve the quality of my sleep.  This decision came as a result of me taking longer to recover from my race than normal. 

I didn’t go to bed quite as early as I had planned, but managed to fall asleep quite quickly. I do recall waking up briefly during the night and then again just before I woke up for good.  In terms of perception, I thought that I had an okay night of sleep, but not a great one.

With the thought that my sleep was not great, I wondered if there was any data to back that up.  There are a number of sleep and recovery trackers on the market, but I don’t own any of them.  My Garmin 935 watch however, does claim to track sleep, so I checked there.

The graph and data above was recorded by my watch last night.  From what little I know, I would say from this data that my sleep quality was quite normal.  The biggest concern is, that I don’t believe I slept for long enough.  Less than seven and a half hours asleep is likely not enough for my recovering body.

I am going to track this data over the next week, to try and get a better idea of my sleep.  I am not sure how accurate the information is, but I am going to assume that it is reasonably reproducible from night to night.

Have you used any kind of sleep tracker?  If so, I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on it.  Would you recommend it to others?  What do you particularly like about it or dislike about it?