You Never Know What Kind Of Day It Will Be

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As I left our house for my run this morning, I was greeted by a fabulous sunrise.  It was the dawn of a new day, and like every other day, I didn’t know what kind of day it would be.

I did know that I would be finishing work at noon, to start my Thanksgiving break, so maybe that meant I was a little less stressed, as I walked out of the door for my run.

My run turned out to be quite a good one.  My legs were feeling much stronger, than they have over the past week or two.  As I got into a groove, I made the decision to take a new route.  My route followed the cart path of a golf course, where we are allowed to run before 8am. 

I suspected that the route I was taking would be hilly, but it turned out to be mostly undulating.  That was true, until I got to where the path returned to the road to the clubhouse.  Then it got extremely steep.  It got so steep, that I decided to walk up the second half of it; I was determined not to take my heart rate way above the Zone 2 level that I was supposed to be running at. Once up that hill however, I had my typical route home, and I finished the run strong and happy.

My second workout of the day, was a short swim, focussed on building arm and shoulder strength.  Lots of fast, short intervals using a pull buoy, followed by some longer intervals using paddles.  I think I had one of the best swims, that I have had in a very long time.  I had a great feel for the water and my average pace was very fast for me.  I have never been happier when leaving the pool.

Maybe that beautiful sunrise this morning, was a sign that I was going to have a good day.  I did have a great day, but to be honest, even with a great sunrise, you never know what kind of day it will be.