You Need To Be Confident To Go Downhill Fast

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I had lots of time to think about things on my four hour ride this afternoon.  It wasn’t a particularly fast ride, because I wasn’t pushing hard, it was windy and I did 5,500 feet of climbing.  One thing I did do however, was go downhill fast.  My maximum speed today was 51.2 mph.

There were a lot of factors that came into play, that allowed me to hit that speed.  A big factor is choosing the right place to go fast.  Obviously you need a decent stretch of road that is downhill, but there are lots of other factors.  

The road surface needs to be in very good condition.  The last thing you need at speed is bumps and potholes.  A smooth, dry surface is critical.  You also need to have good visibility.  A long straight downhill road, is much better than one that curves.  Turning a bend at high speed and seeing an obstacle in your way can spell trouble.  Finally, you don’t want side roads entering on the downhill.  When you are flying downhill at high speed, it is difficult for drivers to judge your speed.  A road, where no cars can pull out in front of you, is needed.

Most roads in my part of Pennsylvania, fail the above tests due to poor quality surfaces.  I don’t typically ride on major roads and the backs are mostly badly maintained.  Some roads are so poor quality, I find myself thinking that I should be on a gravel bike.  Luckily, I do know one hill that fits all of the criteria above.  I went down that hill today.

Even if the hill is perfect, there is one other critical factor, in going downhill fast.  That is rider confidence.  It takes confidence to let go of the brakes.  It takes confidence to tuck down out of the wind.  Luckily I am quite a confident rider and that is how I went over 50 mph today.  I could go faster, by doing the hill in the aero position, but that is where my confidence is lacking. I do at least like to have my hands on the brakes, even if I am not using them.

Am I crazy?  Maybe a little, but it feels so good to go downhill fast, and while I have the confidence, I will keep doing it.