Yoga Is Tough

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I am a little over two weeks into my “30 days of yoga” and I have to say it has been tougher than I expected.  It has however, confirmed what I originally thought would be the case; I have terrible flexibility. 

The reason I am finding it so tough, is that inflexibility.  Getting into, and then holding, the various positions is sometimes challenging and painful.  I am stretching parts of my body that haven’t been stretched properly, in a very long time.

After two weeks however, I am learning the various poses and in particular, how to use those poses to stretch the targeted muscles.  I am also sure that the program is having a positive impact on my core and slowly strengthening other muscle groups too.  

I have long suspected that I have really tight hamstrings.  I can now confirm that this is definitely the case.  Any pose, that involves straight legs and stretching the hamstrings, is a major challenge.  My hamstrings almost always stop me from getting into the right position.

I committed to doing yoga for thirty days, but it is going to take a lot longer than that, to reach the degree of flexibility I would like to achieve.  Despite the pain, I am enjoying the program and I am really hopeful that I will be able to keep this going for longer than my original commitment.

Finally, I hope you like the photo.  It’s my favorite yoga pose right now. I love the relaxing, meditative end to every workout…