Working Hard To Get Back To Running

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It feels like all I write about is my ongoing foot issue, but to be honest it’s a major focus for me right now.

I have to say that it is actually getting better, albeit very slowly. Now that the swelling and tenderness have subsided somewhat, I have introduced massage and gentle stretching to try and fully heal the issue.  I will not run again, until I am pain free while walking.

This combination of massage and gentle stretching has really helped me before with tendonitis issues.  The problem has usually been my commitment to doing this type of therapy on a consistent and regular basis.  I am trying to be much better, this time around.

One good sign, that I am indeed doing more this time, is the fact that I took my massage cream to work today and did a massage and stretching session during my lunch hour. I guess my work associates are all used to me doing strange things as a triathlete in training, because nobody batted an eyelid at the sight of me massaging my bare foot.  They probably just thought ‘it’s that mad Englishman’ and his triathlon thing again.

Given that massage seems to be good for me when rehabbing injuries, maybe I ought to consider a professional massage, as part of my regular routine.  I guess a lot of professional athletes get massages all the time, so why not me.  So with that said, I am off to better educate myself on the subject and hopefully pluck up the courage to actually book a session.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.