Work To Address Niggles As Soon As They Appear

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When my training volume increases, like when I am getting close to an Ironman race, it is not unusual for me to experience soreness and to feel some early signs of injury.  It is critical to address niggles as soon as possible.  I have written about this before. Nipping an injury in the bud, will save a lot of issues down the road.

After my huge weekend of training,  I have a tender spot in the patellar tendon of my left knee.  It is not terrible, but I definitely feel a little pain while walking downstairs.  Knee pain can be a significant issue, when training for triathlon.  A knee injury has the potential to stop all biking and running.  Not wanting to be restricted to swimming only, I have resolved to fix this tender spot quickly.

I am doing several things to try and resolve the issue.

  • I have taped the knee to provide some support for the tendon (see photo).
  • I am icing the knee several times a day.
  • I am foam rolling the muscles around the knee, to make sure they are not tight and pulling on the knee constantly.
  • I am walking down stairs backwards, so as to minimize additional stress on the tender area.

Hopefully, this will fix the issue and I will be able to continue training effectively.  It is so important to address niggles quickly.  I cannot afford significant time off, so close to my race.