What Are The Benefits Of A Sweet Spot Workout?

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My coach scheduled a sweet spot bike workout for me today.  What exactly is are sweet spot workouts, and what are the benefits from doing them?

A sweet spot workout is a hard bike workout, but one which is manageable.  It is a great balance of intensity and volume.  The sweet spot power level is generally considered to be between about 88% and 94% of your FTP.  This is a high power output, but far enough below threshold, that it is possible to maintain it for an extended period and for multiple intervals. During my ride this evening, I spent a total of thirty minutes in the target power zone.

Riding at this level of intensity is beneficial because it builds aerobic capacity and muscular endurance.  It does this by causing a physiological adaption within our bodies. It increases mitochondria density.  Mitochondria are structures within the cells of our body, that help us use oxygen to generate power. Within the mitochondria chemical processes help re-synthesize Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a key chemical used in a reaction cycle that creates energy within our muscle cells.

I also think that sweet spot workouts, are very beneficial from a mental perspective.  The workouts are hard, but not so hard, that you want to easily quit.  I find that I can grind them out and it helps me learn to ‘suffer’ on the bike.

I was pleased with my ride this evening.  My legs are not fresh, but I was able to hit target power throughout the ride.  Day four of my big training week was a good one.