Weather Is Getting Colder

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The title of my blog yesterday was “Weather Is Getting Warmer”.  I spoke too soon.

Less than 24 hours later, we are back to temperatures in the 30’s and we had a significant hail storm this afternoon.  I was really looking forward to doing my bike ride outside again today, but that didn’t happen.  It was back to the so called ‘pain cave’, for a bike ride on the trainer. 

With my ride being 90 minutes in Zone 1 / Zone 2, I was not expecting any ‘pain’ in the ‘cave’ this evening.  I was surprised however; my ride wasn’t painful but it was uncomfortable.  My quads were tired and it was a bit of a struggle to get through the ride.

This happens occasionally.  My thinking is, that I am still sitting still too much, while working from home.  After posting this, I am going to go foam roll my legs for 20-30 minutes, to see if that helps.  It usually does.

So today’s lesson is … it’s not easy to predict how any particular training session is going to go. The key however, is to just get the workout done and move on.  Right now it’s just one workout.  If I have several workouts in a row, where I feel like this, then it might be time to adjust. 

For now, tomorrow is another day, and who knows what my workout will feel like