Watching The Weather To Decide My Workout Schedule

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As we get towards the end of winter, I am always watching the weather.  I am looking for those occasional days, where it might be nice enough to take my bike outside.

I have a four hour bike ride on my schedule this weekend. The thought of spending that long on the bike trainer is far from appealing, so I have been keeping my fingers crossed for good weather. 

We didn’t get good weather for our group run this morning.  The temperature was just below freezing and we finished the run in a blizzard.  As I write this blog, there is still a light dusting of snow on the ground.  Imagine my surprise therefore, when I checked the weather forecast this afternoon.  The forecast for Monday looks really good for heading outside.

I am so fortunate to be retired.  That means I can skip doing my four hour ride tomorrow, and head outside to do it on Monday.  Monday was supposed to be a rest day, but I will just plan to take it easy tomorrow instead.  If I am feeling good, I may head to the pool tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I will have a better swim than the one I had yesterday.

Given that I have an early season race, watching the weather for opportunities to ride outside is important.  I want to make sure I am back to being comfortable handling my bike on roads, before I head to Oceanside.