Watching The Weather All Day

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When you are a triathlete, and you like to ride your bike outside, the weather is always a factor.  I had planned do my 90 minute bike ride after work today, but when I checked the weather at breakfast time, the weather forecast said ‘scattered thunderstorms’.

I don’t mind riding my bike in the rain, but I am always a little wary of thunderstorms.  The rain associated with thunderstorms can be torrential, and they typically have strong, unpredictable winds.

My bike was still on my trainer in the basement from Tuesday’s workout, so I decided to leave it there.  Why take it off the trainer, if I was going to need to ride indoors again today.  

All day I was checking the weather radar.  Early afternoon, we had a storm pass through near the house, but afterwards it started to brighten up.  Could I possibly ride outside after all?  The radar was still showing the odd storm, but it looked like there might be ‘window’,  with no storms, early in the evening.

I finished work and immediately checked the radar.  It looked good; no storms for a couple of hours.  I got changed into my bike gear, pulled the bike off the trainer and headed out on my ride.  It was an easy 90 minute ride and I really enjoyed it.  I rode the round trip up to a regional airport, and on the way out, I spotted another barn to photograph.

When I stopped to photograph the barn on my way home, I realized the field in front of it, was full of clover in flower.  I think this barn photo might be my best yet..