Watching Old Races Is Fun

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In yesterday’s blog I wrote about watching the 2012 Olympic Games Mens Triathlon.  Today, I had the exact same bike workout, so I decided I would watch the women’s race from those same Olympic Games.  Wow … what a race.

Finding things to pass the time, while on the trainer, is sometimes a challenge.  When my workout involves challenging intervals, it’s not such a big deal, because I tend to focus on working hard, rather than watching the TV.  Easier workouts however, are a different matter.

With so many potential rides ahead of me this winter, I am super happy that I thought about watching old pro triathlete races on YouTube. All the big races seem to be on there…

The 2012 Olympics happened before I even started doing any kind of endurance sport.  At the time, I was aware of how well Team GB was doing at the London Games, but the Brownlee brothers were not even on my radar.  Now, I am very familiar with Ali and Jonny and the desire to see their Olympic races, gave me this idea of watching old races.

As much as I enjoyed watching Ali and Jonny race during yesterday’s workout, I have to say that the Women’s race from 2012 was way better.  If you haven’t seen this race, go watch it … it’s fantastic.

I am many months away from race season, but watching these old races has got me fired up for the upcoming season.  What is your favorite race from the past?  Let me know … I have a lot of time on the trainer ahead of me!

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.