Using High Intensity Long Intervals, To Spice Up My Ride

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After my not so great run yesterday, I was a little apprehensive about my workouts today.  I would be using high intensity, long intervals, to add some spice to my three and a half hour ride, and would follow the ride, with a twenty minute run off the bike. 

Amazingly, my concerns proved to be unfounded, as I had a great day in the saddle and a really nice run off the bike.  Unlike yesterday, my legs felt strong and with my new bike position, I also felt really comfortable all day.  I think part of the reason that I did so well, was that I focussed on recovery after my run yesterday.  Significantly, I got a few more hours of sleep, than I normally do.

About my ride.  It was a 3 ½ hour ride, but included five, fifteen minute intervals in Zones 3/4.   I have highlighted those intervals on the power chart from my ride in the photograph above.  You will see that I was able to hold different power levels for the different intervals. 

Interval number two had the highest average power. That was because it included a significant hill climb.  Interval number four had the lowest power, but because I was descending a little bit (net loss of 150 feet in elevation), it had by far the fastest speed.  I averaged 23.8 mph for that interval.

Having finished my ride feeling good, I did a quick, twenty minute run off the bike.  I chose to run on the treadmill, because it was getting very cold outside.  The run went great and I finished my workouts, in great state of mind. 

Twenty four hours ago, I was feeling drained.  It’s remarkable to me, how quickly that can turn around.  By using high intensity, long intervals, I gave my body the chance to once again demonstrate its resiliency.