Two Years Ago Today …

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It is exactly two years ago today, that I participated in my coldest and also most memorable race … the 2018 Boston Marathon.

In spite of it being the coldest Boston Marathon in over 30 years, it is still my favorite race ever.  It is hard to put into words, the feeling you get in running from Hopkinton to downtown Boston.  I still get chills just thinking about it.

The crowd support was not at its usual level that day, but it was still the largest race crowd I have ever experienced and it was amazing.  You really can hear the ‘scream tunnel’ at Welsley, way before you see it. Heartbreak hill is tough, but it’s just one of several tough hills in Newton.  “Left on Hereford, Right on Boylston” is an unbelievable finish.

To honor that day two years ago, I have published a new page on my website … race reports.  The first race report on that page is of course, my report on the 2018 Boston Marathon.   It’s quite long … I hope you enjoy reading it here.