Two Months And Counting…

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It has been two months since I launched my website and I am still going strong, with my goal to post an entry on my blog, every day.

Today has been a day of reflection for me. It was triggered by the sad passing of Kobe Bryant, his daughter and friends in a tragic helicopter accident.

The germ of the idea for this blog, came out of something similar; the passing of my father early last year.  He was such an inspiration to me; he loved his family more than anything else and was always willing to help others.  I can only hope, that someday, I can live up to his example. Part of trying to honor my dad is my huge desire to help others lead a healthy lifestyle, through triathlon or some other form of exercise. My very first blog post talked about it.

Hopefully, over the past two months, I have helped someone through my daily writing.  Even if it’s only one person … that’s OK … I helped. 

If you are reading this, please consider sharing a link to my blog, my Instagram account or Facebook page with someone, who might just want to read the ramblings of an older age group triathlete.  I am trying to Balance Life and Triathlon and I am doing my best to inspire by sharing….

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.