Trying To Cover All The Bases

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Preparation work for my upcoming challenge continues.  I am trying to think of everything that could happen during the event, so I can be prepared to react positively.

I do know that I am going to be on my feet for a long time, so I need to be prepared, should something like blisters happen.  I have been assembling a whole host of items in the category of first aid.

I have a full first aid kit, from when I have done backpacking trips into the wilderness.  This kit has a lot of really useful things in it, and really covers the bases with respect to general first aid.

Specific to dealing with blisters, I have assembled something to clean up and disinfect the area, together with all kinds of tapes and lubricants.  My goal is obviously to avoid blisters in the first place, but should they happen, I think I have the tools to deal with them.

As of today, my knee continues to improve and I am still targeting this weekend.  The weather forecast continues to be favorable and my spirits are high.  There is still a possibility I will postpone, especially if my knee can’t handle running, but for now it is a ‘go’.