Trying A Different Kind Of Run Nutrition

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I am getting ready for another long run on trails tomorrow morning.  As part of the preparation, I always have to figure out my nutrition for the run. This week I am going to try something different.

My recent trail running nutrition, has consisted entirely of sports drinks, chews and the occasional waffle.  This approach has worked quite well in terms of keeping me fueled for the run, but it ends up being harder and harder to take in.  It’s all just too sweet.

To find out about other options, I have been reading about what ultramarathon runners eat.  It’s fascinating; they eat the most amazing variety of real foods.  From the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, to avocados to bacon. 

One common food that I read about, was small roasted potatoes, with added salt.  This one sounded really appetizing to me, so when we were having potatoes for dinner this evening, we made extra for my run tomorrow.  I ate a few this evening and I think they are going to work well.  They will certainly make a nice change from a sports drink.

The only thing that is unknown, is how my body will react to eating them on the run.  I am pretty confident that they will be OK, but you never know.  If these work for me, then I think I’ll try bacon next time.  I mean, who doesn’t like bacon?