Triathlon Camp Starts Tomorrow

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The day before triathlon camp is always tough.  Nashville is a long way from Pittsburgh and so most of the day is spent driving.

The drive today was particularly challenging, because I did it alone.  My wife is staying at home this year.  I passed the time by listening to podcasts and playing music, sometimes very loudly.  The drive was fortunately uneventful, with only a couple of delays due to construction and one accident near Bowling Green. 

Long drives are hard on the body, because you basically just sit there and your muscles get tight.  To counteract this, just after I arrived, I went for a thirty minute run to get my legs moving.  I included a few strides towards the end, to get a little more stretched out.

The camp attendees gathered for dinner outside tonight. I got to meet some old friends and met some new people, who will feel like friends once camp is over.  Coach Robbie gave us some last minute instructions and told us that our first workout tomorrow is an open water swim, starting at 6.30am. 

It’s time for me to go to bed!