Triathlon Camp – Final Day

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The final day of Triathlon Camp is a tough one.  It’s not tough because of the workouts. It’s tough because it is time to say goodbye to old friends and new, and because of the very long drive home.

We had one final workout this morning.  We did another open water swim at Anderson Road Beach.  It was an open swim workout, so I did a straight 2,000 yard swim.  I enjoyed it even with the very choppy water that was present early this morning.  My open water swim has progressed so much, since attending my first camp.  No panic attacks at all this week!

After the swim, I quickly got changed and said goodbye to coach and all the camp attendees.  Over the past four days, I got to see some old friends and made new ones.  This was my third year attending this camp, and it gets better every year.

The drive home to Pittsburgh took a little over ten hours.  It gave me plenty of time to reflect.  I have had another amazing camp.  The workouts were fantastic, and the event is definitely a fitness boost. However, it’s the people who make the camp what it is and this year was no different.  I stayed in an Air BnB with a super fun group of friends, who are basically like family now.  Hopefully, races will be back soon, and I’ll get to see some of them again before too long.

It’s now time for a relaxing glass of wine ,before what I am sure will be, a long night’s sleep.  I’m tired, but at the same time, totally rejuvenated!!!