Travel Days Are Stressful Enough On Their Own

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I find travel days to be quite stressful. They often begin very early, and it is hard to relax until you are settled at your destination. Today was one of those days for me.

Your body doesn’t care where the stress comes from. Stress from traveling, is not that different from the stress caused by working out.  Thus, on travel days, it is very rare for me to also work out.  It is just too much stress for my body.

I find it is far better to take a day off from training, while I travel, and then just begin training again the next day. That is what I did today.  I flew from Minneapolis to Denver and took the day to get settled into the AirBnB.

I will start back up with running tomorrow. A good night’s sleep after travel days tend to fix everything, and I am usually excited to work out the next day.  Hopefully I will feel that way in the morning.