Trail Running Is Very Good For Your Legs

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Trail running is very good for my legs. It is also very good for my soul.  Having been locked up in the house for a couple of days, I needed to escape today. 

Going to North Park and running trails was exactly what I needed.  It was cold out, so the trails were pretty much deserted. The winter air was crisp and apart from the occasional bird calling, the woods were silent.  My mind was able to wander and I finished my run, feeling very rejuvenated.

My legs were also feeling it, at the end of my run.  Running trails gives them a totally different workout, compared to running on the road.  Even though I am moving forward on the trails, I am also, constantly moving slightly sideways.  The trail is rarely straight, but even when it is, I am moving from side to side to avoid rocks, roots and other obstacles.  All this moving around, works my muscles in a totally different way compared to my other runs.

Trail running also helps build strength in my feet and ankles.  The ground on the trail is never perfectly smooth.  This twists and turns my feet and in order to keep me upright, they are working hard too.  Working those ligaments and tendons is very good for me.

Historically, I have shied away from running trails, through fear of injury.  Lately however, I have embraced the trails.  I have done this, because I actually now think of running on them, as injury prevention workouts.  I could just as easily twist an ankle on an uneven sidewalk, as I could on a trail.  Running the trails however, might just help me, when I do inevitably hit that piece of uneven pavement.