A Tough Day Means A Nice Reward

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After a tough bike session last night, I followed up with a three hour bike session this afternoon.  It wasn’t just a simple three hour ride; it contained two 20 minute Zone 3 intervals and three 10 minute Zone 4 intervals.  It was tough.

Back to back, hard workouts are always challenging and today was no different.  By the time I got to the Zone 4 intervals this afternoon, my legs were toast.  This is where you need your mind to take over.  Your mind has to tell your legs to keep pushing.  This is because in reality, your legs can do a lot more.

Your mind can easily succumb to thoughts of quitting, however a simple word of encouragement can change everything.   I got that from son today; he was in the basement lifting weights, at the same time as I was on the bike.  His simple “Come on Dad, you can do it” made all the difference. I was able to finish strong.

Tonight, we decided it was time for a treat … pizza.  I rarely eat pizza these days, but after burning 2,000 calories on the bike, I needed a reward… home made ham, mushroom and pineapple pizza.  Yes, I am one of those people who love pineapple on pizza. 

I also did Day 2 of my run club’s challenges. Today consisted of the following:    Push-up Sets –  3 / 3 / 6 / 6;   Squat Sets –  16 / 10 / 10;   Burpees :  4;    Core Work – 10 push-ups, 15″ plank and 12 plank reaches each side.  I just need to not do them, immediately after a hard workout in future…


Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.