Tonight Just Was Not Fun

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There is one thing that is important for every aspiring triathlete to know – not every workout will be fun.  Some will be just downright tedious, and even if the effort level is targeted to be low, they can still be a challenge to complete.

That was how it was for me this evening.  I had a straightforward, 90 minute ride that included three 20 minutes sessions in Zone 2.  The rest of the ride was Zone 1.  It should have been an easy ride, but tonight it was a real struggle.  For the whole ride, my legs felt sluggish and heavy.  It was as if I had no power in them.

Everyone has these types of ride, but you don’t hear people talk about them and they don’t blast social media with how bad their workout was.  Trust me, everyone has them, including me, and I am determined not to hide the fact.  If you hadn’t guessed already, tonight’s workout, flat out sucked.

The more interesting thing, is to try and figure out why.  I am pretty sure I know the ‘why’ for me tonight.  The past two days at work have been very demanding; much more stressful than work has been for a long time.  Stress is very hard on the body. Stress tires you out, even though you may not feel tired.

The beauty of figuring out the ‘why’, is that you can do something about changing it. Luckily, I believe tomorrow will be a much less stressful day at work, so after a good night’s sleep, I should be all set to enjoy my workouts again.