Today Was A Tough Day

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I struggled today.  When your routine for the past three years, has included one or two workouts every day, having an injury is tough.

The fact that you aren’t working out, plays metal tricks on you.  When will I be healthy again?  Am I going to lose all my fitness?  Will I be ready for that race that I signed up for? 

A lot of negative thoughts like these, entered my mind at work today.  I was soon feeling sorry for myself and that meant, I was weak at resisting the chocolate treats that are sprinkled everywhere at the office.  Then I felt bad about eating chocolate … I was spiraling downhill.

On reflection, these thoughts aren’t surprising. The reality is that, I will probably be working out sooner than I think; I won’t lose all my fitness and more than likely, I’ll be fine for that race.  Even knowing this, however, doesn’t seem to help on days like today.

I listened to a podcast on my way home, that was an interview with pro triathlete, Ben Hoffman.  He talked about the 12 weeks of complete rest, that he was forced into following a sacrum stress fracture.  He talked about how down he felt and how it led to poor habits and wasting time.  He says, he wished he had used the down time in a more positive manner.  Hearing him talk, was just what I needed.

So, tonight I am trying to be proactive and more positive.  I have started to read about how I can increase my mobility and become more flexible.  My goal is to get my body in better shape to resist injuries.  I feel much better.  I have yet another goal.  I’m going to be a supple, somewhat old, leopard ….

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.