Today Was A Major Rollercoaster

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I have have had quite an interesting day!!

My day started with me getting out of bed late, because I hadn’t slept well.  I didn’t have time to do my run workout before work, so that meant I would be doing it, in the heat of the day at lunchtime.  I couldn’t do it this evening, because I was heading to the lake for a swim session.

As I was finishing up my work for the morning and thinking about getting ready to run, I got a text message from my coach.  It said “I’ve never asked as much of you, as I’m about to in the next three weeks, … but you are ready”.  I immediately thought ‘Yikes’, but I guessed something like this was coming.  I knew that the peak build blocks for my upcoming Ironman race were about to occur.  This text message let me know that the build was going to start next week.

I immediately went to Training Peaks to see what coach had scheduled.  He wasn’t joking … my next three weeks are huge.  To be honest, I was super excited about what lay ahead.  I thought about nothing else on my run.

When I got back home, my wife had prepared an amazing lunch.  It was halloumi with a super fresh salad, topped off with a home made dressing. It was delicious and it got me all excited about planning my nutrition for the upcoming training block. To survive the heavy workload, I would need to eat well.

I worked all afternoon and as my last meeting of the day finished, I started to think about my swim.  It was then that I checked my e-mail and saw it… a message from Ironman that the 2020 Ironman Chattanooga was cancelled.  My last race of the year; the one I was about to build for; was gone.

I can’t say I was surprised, but I was definitely disappointed.  My thoughts went all over the place and I said to myself … might as well skip that swim tonight.  Why drive 45 minutes to the lake for a 40 minute swim?

Half an hour later, I was in my car, heading to the lake.  I had already come to terms with my last scheduled race being cancelled and had decided to keep moving forward.  I felt that way yesterday, after SwimRun NC was cancelled, and I still feel that way now.  I’m still going to do that huge block of training; I want to know what it feels like to do it.

I will continue to look for opportunities to test myself for the rest of this year. I may even find a race to do.  No matter what however, I won’t stop training and working to try and get better.