My Running Is On Ice For A Few Days

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A few days ago, my daily blog post covered a mild case of extensor tendinitis that I was experiencing in my left foot.  As mentioned in that blog, I had decided to resist from running for four consecutive days to try and get over this minor injury.

I stuck to my plan and didn’t run at all, until I tried a short easy pace run late yesterday.  It was not a great run and the pain in my foot came back almost immediately.  While not bad, the pain was there and so, I have decided to stop running until I can be pain free when walking / jogging.

While this situation is not ideal, it is far from a major problem.  I can still bike and swim, so I am not going to lose a lot of fitness, if any.  A major problem would be, a prolonged injury caused by trying to be a hero and pushing through the pain.  Like I said in my other blog post on this injury, I have made that mistake too many times before… not this time.

I do have a long run scheduled for Sunday, but have already decided against doing this.  I will wait until Monday and see how I feel.  I’m thinking a nice long swim on Sunday might make a nice change.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.