Time To Get My Diet Back Under Control

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Every year at Holiday Season, I let my diet go ‘out of control’.  It’s a conscious decision, because for me, this period of time is my true off season. Why not indulge a few really great tasting meals and snacks, when the extra pounds of body weight aren’t going to really matter. I think does me good to ‘let it go’ a little.

This year, even though I went through this typical weight gain cycle, I have peaked out at a slightly lower weight than previous years.  Even so, it is now time for me to get my diet under control, shed a few pounds and fuel more efficiently for my workouts.

The change needed, is not that large.  I just need to do a few simple things and everything should come around nicely.  Drinking less wine; eating almost no chocolate; avoiding ice cream for dessert and not snacking late at night is usually all it takes.

Tonight, I made a start. Instead of heading to the freezer and grabbing ice cream, I went to the refrigerator and grabbed fruit.  I made the fruit bowl in the photo and had that for dessert with dinner.  It was delicious!