Time To Get Back To Work… I Have A Race In April

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Our extended vacation in New Zealand unfortunately came to an end, just over a week ago.  I’m now back in Colorado and with SwimRun NC on my schedule in early April, it’s time to start working out again.  I have done no training since racing in Taupo in mid-December, so these next few weeks are going to be interesting!

I’m going to be sharing my workout schedule each week, so you can see what I do to get ready for a race after an extended off season.  For a couple of weeks, I’ll be focussing on bike and run workouts. I’m doing this until I get a little adjusted to being back at altitude again.  I find swimming the hardest activity when not altitude adjusted, so I’ll hold off on that for a week or two.

So what did I manage to get done last week?  I was actually pleased with how things went; I was able to workout every day and also mixed in some strength and mobility work. Here is what I did.

Monday :  Easy effort treadmill run
Tuesday :  Bike FTP test
Wednesday :  Aerobic treadmill run
Thursday :  Hard bike ride on trainer
Friday :  Aerobic run outside
Saturday :  Aerobic bike ride on trainer
Sunday :  Aerobic run outside

Total hours for the week :  Run = 2:45, Bike = 3:10

Not a big volume week, but a good start.  I’m focussing on being consistent right now, and making sure I do my strength and mobility work.


My Sunday run partners …  It’s a little colder here than New Zealand