Time To Celebrate – Races Are Back

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As a member of the C26 Triathlon team, I get to hear a lot of news about races.  This week, am hearing from teammates in the Houston area. They are telling me that they are very confident, that Ironman 70.3 Texas will go ahead as planned in Galveston, on Sunday.  I am so excited that races are back.

On a purely personal note, I am most excited about the possibility of racing at Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga on May 23rd.  That said,  I will also be following the race in Galveston closely.  There are lots of things I will be tracking, using the Ironman Tracker App.

Firstly, there is the professional races. Both the men’s and women’s races, are full of really good athletes.  For the men that includes Lionel Sanders, Matt Hanson, Andreas Dreitz, Sam Long, Ben Kanute and Joe Skipper.  I’ll be rooting for Joe, because he is British, like me.  On the women’s side we have Jackie Hering, Skye Moench, Heather Jackson, Sarah Crowley and the Brit, Kimberley Morrison.  It will be fun to follow both races.

I will also be tracking a good number of teammates and my coach, Robbie Bruce, who is also racing.  The race will also be special for me.  It will be the first Ironman branded race, where one of the athletes who I coach, will be racing.  Tracking a coached athlete, is going to be a very different experience.

I hope the race in Galveston goes well, and that future races remain on schedule.  At long last, races are back.