There Is Good In The World

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Compared to the past couple of days, today was a much better day for me. 

It started early with my Zone 2 run.  Now that I am most of my way through this big block of training, I have noticed that it takes a lot longer for my legs to warm up on a run.  It took almost two miles of running this morning, before I felt relaxed and in a good rhythm.  Once I got there however, my pace was good and I really enjoyed my run; even the uphill section heading home.

Mid-morning, the mail arrived and in it, was an envelop from the race director of SwimRunNC.  I was scheduled to do this race in October, but it has been cancelled by the pandemic and pushed back to next year. I now have to wait until October 2021 to do my first swimrun race.  In the envelop were two custom SwimRunNC masks; one for me and one for my race partner.  There was also a personalized, hand written note from the race director.

Times are tough for race directors, so this act of kindness, really touched my heart.  It is good to know that there are great people out there and the team at SwimRunNC, are definitely great people.  I can’t wait for things to start opening up, so we can make a trip to North Carolina ahead of the race and hopefully meet them.

My day finished with an easy Zone 1 / Zone 2 bike ride.  The weather outside was perfect and I chose an easy route, to save my legs for the big weekend of training that is coming up.  I went to the local park and did loops round the lake.  The whole ride was very relaxing. I just coasted along in aero taking in the views of the lake.

It is amazing how different you can feel within just 24 hours hours.  Today was a good day.

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  1. Jim K


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