The Weather Turns Cooler

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After two weeks of daytime temperatures in the 90’s, we finally got a break in the weather today.  Temperatures turned cooler, but it was accompanied by steady rain.  This rain caused me to change up my planned weekend.  I switched around my workouts, to do my long run today and my long bike ride tomorrow, when hopefully it will be dry.

My long run was for an hour and forty five minutes, and once again, I went to the local park.  In the rain, everything looked so green and the water lilies were blooming on the smaller fishing pond.  There we not many people at the park and most of those that were there, were other runners.

In the cooler temperatures, my run went really well.  My legs didn’t feel as tired and I didn’t feel like I was going to overheat.  I still took plenty of water with me, to ensure I stayed hydrated and as this was a long run, I also took a couple of gels.

As I work my way towards to hopefully racing at Ironman Chattanooga, it is getting to that time of year, where my workout volume is starting to increase.  This is where recovery starts to get very important.  If I don’t focus on recovery, where I eat well, stay hydrated and sleep enough, then I know I will start to fatigue quickly. 

I have just had a good dinner and I’ll be going to bed early this evening, to make sure I am fully recovered for my bike ride tomorrow.