The Swim Is Not Cancelled

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It’s dark and I’m driving to the pool to get my swim workout done before work.  I’m tired and my mind begins to wander.  

I do my swimming at LA Fitness.  There is one location near my home and another, near where I work.  Today, I’m heading to the one near work and I start thinking about last winter.  At this time last year, there were a number of occasions when I got to that pool and it was closed.  This was usually because the lifeguard had not shown up for work at 6am and they won’t open the pool without a lifeguard.

So here I am, super tired, driving to the pool and I start thinking … “please let me get there and see the ‘Pool Is Closed’ sign displayed”. 

I really didn’t feel like swimming this morning. Even though I had gotten out of bed early and was already on my way to the pool, I still didn’t want to swim.  I needed an easy excuse to quit and the only one that came into my mind, as I drove down the highway, was the ‘Pool Is Closed’ sign.

Naturally, when I got to the pool it was open.  I got into that pool and proceeded to do my workout.  It wasn’t the best workout and I can’t say I particularly enjoyed it, but I did it. 

Sometimes you just don’t feel like doing a workout.  Quite honestly, I could have skipped this workout and it would not have made on bit of difference.  I wouldn’t lose fitness.  My races next year wouldn’t suffer. 

So why didn’t I quit and skip the workout.  I think it’s because I know that these feelings are normal; especially this time of the year.  They are just that, feelings.  I have learnt that by forging ahead I can actually do the workout.  Am I better off having done the workout?  Maybe. 

Even if it’s only a slight mental ‘win’, maybe that’s enough for today. We don’t have to make huge strides every day.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.