The Sun Has Set On Another Recovery Day In Oceanside

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The sun has set on our last day in Oceanside. Tomorrow we fly back to Pittsburgh and once back there, it will be time to start working out again.

I usually like to take a few days of complete recovery after a race.  Sometimes, I am forced to take a number of days off, because my body is hurting too much, to work out.  This time around however, I am feeling pretty good.  The muscle soreness from my race has almost fully subsided.

Resting for a few days after a race makes good sense.  The body takes a beating on race day. It’s not just the muscles.  On race day, nutrition is severely compromised, and adds to the damage your body needs to deal with.

I normally take two to three days of full recovery.  This time however, I am taking an extra day or two, because I have the added stress of travel.  It will take us all day tomorrow to get back home. We will also lose three hours due to the time change, which again is stress for the body.

So, even though the sun has set on our time here in California, I am happy to say that I feel like I have recovered well from my race.  I’ll be back to working out on Thursday.