The Second Day After Racing Is The Most Painful

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My body always hurts for a few days after a big race, especially a long course triathlon. I am generally sore and my muscles ache. I usually find, that the second day after racing, is the most painful.

This time around is no different. I feel more sore today, than I did yesterday. In particular, the soles of my feet are hurting.  I think this is a result of running in carbon plate shoes.

Even though I am sore, I am very happy. I executed a very good race on Sunday, and despite Ironman failing when it came to timing the race, I know I did very well.  I have seen some results online, that indicate that I came second in my age group in the bike/run race.  I haven’t seen anything official from Ironman about this however, so who knows.

It’s late, so I am heading to bed. A good night of sleep should help heal my body and the most painful day of recovery will be over.