The Run That Started It All

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I often say that Triathlon is a journey and it’s true.  I am still very much on my journey and it’s great.  I learn so much all the time, and really enjoy the process of using what I learn, to try and get better.

I thought it might be good to look back on my journey so far, sharing some of the ups and downs along the way.  I’m hoping that what I share, will help others with their own journey.

My particular journey in endurance sports, started back in January 2014, when I made the decision that I was going to run the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in early May that year.  It was a big leap of faith because I was totally out of shape, but the goal of doing something I thought was incredibly hard, was the motivation that I needed to get started.  I had just under five months, to get ready to run that race.

I can still remember my first workout, mostly because it was so painful.  I decided to get on the treadmill and not stop running, until I has run one mile.  I achieved that one mile goal, but by the end, my lungs were screaming at me and my shins were so painful.  

Even though the run was really uncomfortable, I was so happy.  I had done what I set out to do, and I had run a whole mile, non-stop.  I told myself… “no pain, no gain”.  It’s a mantra, that I no longer really buy into, but back then it was all I could think about.  It would eventually come back to bite me, but that’s a story for another day.