The Not So Pretty Side Of My Ultramarathon

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There were so many good things about my ultramarathon last weekend, but one of the not so pretty after effects, are my toenails.

As mentioned in my blog on the Monday after the race, I had some issues with my toes.  My feet became swollen during the race and my toes took a beating while running down hills.  I suspected at the time, that I might have issues with my toenails, and that has proved to be the case.

I think I will lose at least one toenail, maybe up to three.  This sounds disgusting and it is certainly not so pretty to look at (which is why I blocked out part of today’s picture).  Although ugly however, it is not particularly painful.  I was able to run over fourteen miles yesterday, with no issues.  Things definitely look worse than they feel.

I have lost toenails before, so I know what to expect. It will be a couple of months before my toenails are back to normal.  A new toenail will just grow and push the old toenail off.  Again, it it sounds worse than it really is.

As mentioned above, the toenail issues will not stop me running. Unfortunately, the weather stopped me riding my new bike today. I had wanted to take it out for a decent ride, but we had rain on and off all day. So instead, I have had a rest day.  I’ll be back at it tomorrow.