The Natchez Trace Parkway Is An Incredible Place To Ride

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Day two of the C26 Triathlon Camp was a lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun.  The highlight for me was riding my bike on the Natchez Trace Parkway, and it wasn’t even close.

We started the day with a pool swim session.  Lots of variety involved, including paddle work, fast 25’s and 100 meter builds.  We finished up with a relay race, which got everyone cheering each other on.  It was loud!

After a relatively long break and a fantastic breakfast, we headed over to the Natchez Trace Parkway.  Once there, we rode our bikes for a couple of hours, before completing the day with a thirty minute, run off the bike.

I love riding my bike on the Trace.  The road surface is fantastic.  It is one long road with no stop signs or traffic lights, and very few side roads.  There are rest stops with bathrooms and water fountains about every fifteen miles.  Cars are few and far between, and are mandated to pass cyclists using the other lane.

Riding the parkway is not super easy however, as there are a lot of hills.  None are very steep, but a lot of them are quite long.  Tough to go up but great to ride down.  Also today’s ride was made a little tougher by wind.  It was particularly windy today.

Tomorrow is the last big day of camp and it begins with …. another ride on the Trace.  We have a three and a half hour long ride, and I cannot wait.