The Changes From My Bike Fit Are Complete

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Just under a month ago, I signed up for a bike fit.  The changes from my bike fit are now complete and I am very happy with the results.  The photograph above shows my ‘before’ position on the left, and my ‘after’ position on the right.

The changes that we made are quite subtle, but have resulted in a major improvement in my comfort.  In my new position I am also more aerodynamic, so I will be slightly faster.  I have also set myself up for a better run, because I have a more open hip angle.

That hip angle opening, is a result of me installing shorter cranks.  I am really liking how these new cranks feel.  They are also enabling me to feel more comfortable at a higher cadence.

The other major changes from my fit, were to move my front end lower and further out.  My position is now lower and longer.  Prior to this fit, I would have thought that this would be more uncomfortable. It turns out that the reverse is true; it feels much more comfortable so far.

The final change we made was to very slightly lower my saddle.  All the changes put together have made me much more comfortable on my saddle.  Prior to the changes, I hated my saddle.  Now I think that I might be able to live with it.

So now that the changes from my bike fit are complete, it’s time for me to settle in and put in some mileage.  That will start with a three and half hour ride this weekend.  I am really looking forward to that ride. I just need the weather to cooperate.