Sunday Was Not Run Day For Me

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I normally do a long run on Sunday, but with my Achilles tendonitis still not resolved, I was unable to run today.

I tried to go swim, but when I got the the gym, the pool was closed.  I did however, manage to get my weight session done, and I did so in much nicer surroundings.

I spent a good deal of time today, setting up our weight room in the basement.  We have a rack set up, a bench, a full weightlifting platform and a boxing heavy bag.  The room is not part of a finished basement, so we hung flags on the walls to make the room look good. I am really happy with how it turned out.  

I am also pleased with my lifting.  I have managed to establish a good routine and have consistently lifted twice a week, for a month now.  I feel like it’s having a beneficial effect.  I say this, because my muscles are always a little fatigued, the day after I lift.

Finally, I think my consistent focus on physiotherapy exercises for my Achilles injury, is starting to pay off.  My heel is much less sore today.  I am hopeful, that I can recover enough, that next Sunday, will actually be a Run Day.