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Today is Global Running Day and as luck would have it, my scheduled workout was a run.  I did a thirty minute easy run, with strides.

What are ‘strides’?  Strides are very short intervals in a run, typically 15-20 seconds in length, where you accelerate your pace to about 95% of your maximum.  In completing this accelerated pace interval, you naturally do it by increasing your stride length … hence the name ‘strides’. 

But why bother with a 15-20 second interval?  There are lots of benefits, which is why I do them regularly. The benefits include:

  • They help reinforce good running form and running economy. It’s hard to run fast with bad form, so your body naturally responds by moving to good form.
  • They help prepare your body for other more focussed speed work sessions.
  • They help build foot and lower leg strength.
  • They are good, as part of a warm up for a race, because they help loosen you up.
  • They help because they are easy to do aerobically. The intervals are short enough that you don’t get out of breath.

I like doing them because they are fun.  I like the feeling of running very fast but without the associated ‘pain’ from going anaerobic. 

Next time you are out for an easy run, try doing three or four, 15 second strides towards the end of your run.  It will be fun and it will help make you a better runner.

Happy Global Running Day !!!!!!