Squeezed In A Quick Run On A Cold And Windy Night

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I spent most of today, exploring the fabulous coast of Northumberland.  It was a long day, and so I was only able to squeeze in a quick run, when we got back home.  It was dark, cold and windy when I went out for my run, but I got it done and that was the main thing.

I had an amazing day.  We started by driving to the holy island of Lindesfarne.  It is one of my favorite places on earth.  I have spent countless hours on this island, that can only be reached by causeway at low tide.  Today was a relatively quick visit, but we still got to see a lot of things. The things we saw included the Priory, which was the site of a Viking invasion of England in 793.  Super cool historical stuff.

After leaving the island, to beat the rising tide, we drove to the village of Bamburgh for a fish and chips lunch, at a local pub.  Bamburgh is home to our favorite castle; the one in today’s photograph. It dominates the landscape. In total, we saw five castles on our trip today.  From the ruins of Dunstanburgh, to the home of the Duke of Northumberland at Alnwick, each was impressive in its own way. 

Even though I had a full day of sightseeing, I still wanted to run.  By the time it came time to do so however, it was already dark. It was also cold and windy outside.  It would have been so easy to not run today, but I decided I needed to do it.  I dressed up nice and warm and headed out the door. 

My run legs felt better this evening and I am glad that I went out.  my run went so well that I think I am ready for a long run tomorrow.