Sometimes You Need A Little Nudge

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My scheduled workouts today, were combined as a reverse brick.  I had a 25 minute easy run, followed by a 90 minute bike ride in Zones 1 and 2.  I chose to do them after work.

There was just one small problem that I encountered.  I finished work, got changed into my workout gear and then just couldn’t bring myself to go to the basement and workout.  I procrastinated like crazy.  

Eventually I stood in the kitchen and told my wife that I didn’t want to work out.  I just couldn’t find the motivation.  She told me that she understood and that she could see that I was stressed out and tired.  Then she said something that really got to me.

She said … “Why don’t you just get on the treadmill and start running?  You always tell me that, and it works for me.  You might feel better if you just start…”.

I immediately realized that she was right.  I just needed to start.  So start I did; I went into the basement, got onto the treadmill and started running.  Once I did that, everything changed.  I got into a rhythm and enjoyed an easy pace run.  I then didn’t think twice about getting on my bike for 90 minutes.  The early part of the bike ride was tough, but by the end of it, I was feeling strong.

I was so grateful for those few words from my wife.  They totally changed my day and I feel rejuvenated and fired up again.  All I needed was just a little nudge…