Sometimes Life Gets In The Way And That Is OK

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Driving home yesterday, I had plenty of time to think of a topic for my daily blog post. Unfortunately, when I arrived home, I encountered a situation where life gets in the way. 

I was all fired up to write my blog, but as I drove into my neighborhood, I noticed something strange.  It was getting dark but there were no lights on, in any of the houses.  This could only mean one thing… a power outage.  Sure enough, when I get there, our home had no power.

Without power, there is also no wifi or internet service available to update my blog.  Using a cellphone hotspot and relying on the battery in my laptop, was also not an option. At home, the cell phone coverage becomes really bad during a power outage, and there is zero bandwidth.  So after 564 consecutive days of writing a daily blog post, my streak cane to an end yesterday.

It would have been easy for me to get frustrated and mad, but I chose not to.  I saw a very clear parallel between this situation with my blog and training for triathlon.  Sometimes life gets in the way of training too.  Things happen and you are forced to skip a workout.  It happened to me here, and it didn’t impact my training at all. All it meant was that I started a new workout streak the next day.

So this particular daily blog post, is just like a workout on the day after skipping a workout.  It is the start of a new streak.  Missing a daily blog post was always going to happen one day.  It just happened to be yesterday and that is OK. 

Perfection is unrealistic.  The goal is to continue to make progress. Progress… not perfection, will get you to your goals.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Daniel Lucente

    Excellent post!

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