Some Memories Will Last Forever

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Three years ago today, I crossed the finish line in Louisville and became an Ironman.  It seems like only yesterday, the memories are so vivid.

I remember sitting in my hotel room, crying uncontrollably the day before the race.  I had participated in the practice swim in the Ohio river and had experienced a major panic attack.  I was convinced, my race the next day, would be over before it started.

I remember walking down to transition in the dark on race morning.  Near transition my wife and I saw a guy unload his bike from the back of a truck.  My wife said to me ‘how come that guy didn’t have to leave his bike in transition overnight?”.  I told her “That’s because he is the guy who is going to win the race today”.  That guy was Andrew Starykowicz and he did win the race!  He also took the time to talk with me and wish me good luck, after he caught up with us on the way to transition.

I remember getting into the water for the swim and heading upstream into the sun.  I had a great swim, nothing like the day before.

I remember the bike course.  It is beautiful as it passes various horse farms.  I had a great ride and barely noticed the storm clouds that were rolling in.  The weather on my way back into town was wild.  I was almost blown off my bike a few times and had to avoid downed branches in the road.  By the time I got back to transition, the temperature had dropped about 25 degrees.  It had become very cold.

I remember the run.  I finally got to see some people I knew, as I saw friends from Pittsburgh and my family. The run was two loops out and back.  Both times, about half way out, there was a small girl in the middle of the road, cheering everyone on.  At the half way point, you see the finish line and hear the music, before turning for the second loop.  It was at that point, that I knew that becoming an Ironman was going to be possible.

I remember the tough moments in the dark, after mile twenty of the run.  I can vividly recall how amazing the chicken broth tasted at aid stations and how a guy on a bike with loud speakers, was taking requests for music.  I asked for, and got, Enter Sandman by Metallica, just when I needed it.

But mostly, I remember the red carpet.  Seeing my family, hearing the deafening crowd and music and then finally, the magic words… “Phil Jones … You Are An Ironman”.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ed Schmiech

    It was fun to cheer you on that day! We were lucky to able to slip inside during the storm. But you looked strong all day! Cheers to the next one in ’21.

  2. philjonestriathlon

    Thanks Ed. I am signed up for Ironman Chattanooga in 2021… let’s hope we all get to race a little more next year.

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