Some Coaching Certification Requirements Are Very Valuable

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In order to maintain my certification as a coach, USA Triathlon has a number of requirements. One of those coaching certification requirements, is also very valuable for life in general. I am talking about being certified to give First Aid, CPR and AED.

It is not unusual to read about stories of people who had their lives saved by strangers, who applied first aid in an emergency situation. It happened only last week in the park where I run and ride my bike. A man had a cardiac arrest and his life was saved by a passerby, applying CPR.

I did my first class in First Aid two years ago, as part of my initial coaching certification.  It was surprising to me, how applying some easily learned techniques, could potentially save somebody’s life.  I was glad I did the course, which was only a couple of hours long.

Next week, I will renew my certification.  I am doing it because I need it, to continue being a USAT certified coach. In reality however, I would probably renew it anyway.  You just never know when it might be needed. You should consider doing a class too.