Sluggish Sprints On My Ride Today

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I’m not sure why I am smiling in the photo that I took after my bike workout this evening.  On the face of it, my workout should have quite easy. It was a 65 minute ride in Zone 2 and included ten sprints of 15 seconds duration.

The thing is, workouts are always impacted by what comes before them. What came before my workout today, was a long day of preparing our family room for painting.  I was on my feet all day.  Up and down ladders, repairing dents in the wall, washing the walls to get them ready for painting and taping off the trim.  I was probably on my feet for a solid six or seven hours.

So, when I got on my bike this evening I was already quite fatigued.  The Zone 2 work went really well, but when it came time for the sprints, that’s when the after effects of my day set in.  I found it hard to push high power and a couple of times, when I was in the wrong gear, I also found it hard to hold a high cadence.

But you know what, I did the work.  Even though my output might have been lower than normal, the training effect from the workout is still there. At the end of the day, that is all that really matters.

I also continued my mobility work today.  My exercises today are listed below, if you want to look them up.

  • Toe Dorsiflexion
  • Classic Triceps and Lat Stretch
  • Global Gut Smash


Note :  The mobilization techniques I am doing are are all detailed in Kelly Starrett’s “Becoming a Supple Leopard” book.  It’s an excellent book and highly recommended.