Skipped My Workout Due To A Major Case Of DOMS

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I skipped my workout today.  It was a wise decision, because when I woke up, my quads were extremely sore.  I had a bad case of DOMS – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

With muscles this sore, not working out was the best choice today.  My quads were so sore, that walking down stairs was very painful. I resorted to walking down stairs backwards a few times today; my legs were that sore.  I am thinking that running yesterday, was not the correct choice after all.  I guess we all make mistakes some times.

Even though I didn’t work out, I did keep moving for most of the day.  I spent a few hours walking around a living museum, called the Black Country Museum.  This outdoor living museum brought to life the local area during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.  The Black Country is an industrialized part of the West Midlands. It has become famous recently, as the setting for the TV Series, Peaky Blinders.

We had a great time at the museum and the walking helped keep my sore muscles moving.  Even though I skipped my workout today, I do feel that by moving around, I was helping my recovery.  Hopefully, my legs feel a lot better tomorrow.